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Pre-orders on This Man Confessed…

My lovely ladies,

As you are aware, there is currently no pre-order in the UK. I was holding off on commenting on this issue in great depth in the hopes that it would be resolved before the release of Confessed, but unfortunately it won’t be. Grand Central Publishing bought certain rights to the This Man Trilogy, including publication rights in the UK. I never expected there to be an issue with UK pre-order. It was only when Confessed cropped up on that I thought it strange. Since then, I have been in talks with GCP, who were hoping to fix this swiftly, but for various reasons, it has not yet been resolved.
One of the most important things for me is that my books are available in the UK. I’m a British author, my writing is British and my characters are British. I’m all about the ‘ish’, the ‘knickers’, the ‘bloody’ and the ‘arse’. If there has been one thing that I reiterated constantly during the course of this publishing deal, it was that my books MUST be available in the UK, no ish about it. It could have been a deal breaker for me. It is for that reason my agent and lawyer negotiated my right to release the ebook of Confessed in the UK until my publisher is in a position to take over. It was either that or delay release altogether – not an option. The ebook version of This Man Confessed WILL be available to everyone on July 2nd, this includes Australia and Ireland, too.

This issue, of course, led to another question…What about paperback in the UK?

My question has been answered, and it has been answered satisfactorily. The paperbacks will be released simultaneously with the US, and they will be available to buy in bookstores in the UK.

Now that is clear, I would like to address the accusations that I have been faced with. Some people have claimed that I have ‘Sold Out’ on my British readers, but I hope after reading the above you will see that I absolutely have not. Whenever my attorney calls to speak with me, he always asks if there is anything I would like to add, and I always reiterate:


I have an amazing following in the US and many other countries, which is both a surprise and an honour, but I needed to ensure my British readers were not forgotten. You’ll never know how much your enthusiasm and encouragement means to me, whether you call them knickers or panties! I’m privileged and immensely grateful to have such wonderful readers. I thank each and every one of you, near and far.
So anyone who claims I have ‘sold out’ is very much mistaken. I’ll always challenge that claim. Trample, even!

End of.

Now let’s prepare for the countdown!

As always, lots of London-ish love,



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